
一般常用的CAD大多是AutoCAD,關於AutoCAD VBA的資源也滿多可以搜尋的到,因此起初開發的主力通常是AutoCADVBA。


Private mo As Object
Private pa As Object

Public acaddoc As Object
Public CADVer As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

If Sheets("總表").optAutoCAD = True Then

    strCAD = "AutoCAD.application"
    CADVer = "AUTOCAD"
ElseIf Sheets("總表").optZWCAD = True Then
    strCAD = "ZWCAD.Application"
    CADVer = "ZWCAD"
ElseIf Sheets("總表").optICAD = True Then

    strCAD = "ICAD.application"
    CADVer = "ICAD"

End If

Call CADInit(strCAD)

End Sub

Private Sub CADInit(ByVal strCAD As String)

On Error Resume Next

Set acadapp = GetObject(, strCAD) '查看安裝
If Err <> 0 Then Set acadapp = CreateObject(strCAD)
acadapp.Visible = True

On Error GoTo 0

Set mo = acadapp.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace
Set pa = acadapp.ActiveDocument.PaperSpace
Set acaddoc = acadapp.ActiveDocument

End Sub

'=============transform ICAD about point and points======================

Function tranPoint(ByVal CADpt)

If CADVer <> "ICAD" Then tranPoint = CADpt: Exit Function

Set tranPoint = Library.CreatePoint(CADpt(0), CADpt(1), CADpt(2))

End Function

Function tranIPoint(ByVal ICADpt)

If CADVer <> "ICAD" Then tranIPoint = ICADpt: Exit Function

Dim tmp(2) As Double
tmp(0) = ICADpt.X
tmp(1) = ICADpt.y
tmp(2) = ICADpt.Z

tranIPoint = tmp

End Function

Function tranPoints(ByVal vertices, Optional cnt As Byte = 3)

If CADVer <> "ICAD" Then tranPoints = vertices: Exit Function

Dim myPline, myPoints, PT
Set myPoints = Library.CreatePoints

If cnt = 2 Then

    For i = 0 To UBound(vertices) Step cnt
        Set PT = Library.CreatePoint(vertices(i), vertices(i + 1))
        myPoints(myPoints.Count - 1).X = PT.X
        myPoints(myPoints.Count - 1).y = PT.y


    For i = 0 To UBound(vertices) Step cnt
        Set PT = Library.CreatePoint(vertices(i), vertices(i + 1), vertices(i + 2))
        myPoints(myPoints.Count - 1).X = PT.X
        myPoints(myPoints.Count - 1).y = PT.y
        myPoints(myPoints.Count - 1).Z = PT.Z

End If

Set tranPoints = myPoints

End Function

Function tranIPoints(ByVal myPoints)

If CADVer <> "ICAD" Then tranIPoints = myPoints: Exit Function

Dim vertices()
ReDim vertices(myPoints.Count * 3 - 1)

For Each it In myPoints

vertices(0 + j) = it.X
vertices(0 + j + 1) = it.y
vertices(0 + j + 2) = it.Z

j = j + 3


tranIPoints = vertices

End Function

'=============Basic function to CAD object======================

Function AddPoint(PT) As Object

If CADVer = "ICAD" Then
    Set AddPoint = mo.AddPointEntity(tranPoint(PT))
    Set AddPoint = mo.AddPoint(tranPoint(PT))
End If

End Function

Function AddCircle(cpt, r) As Object

Set AddCircle = mo.AddCircle(tranPoint(cpt), r)

End Function

Function AddLine(spt, ept) As Object

Set AddLine = mo.AddLine(tranPoint(spt), tranPoint(ept))

End Function

Function AddLineCO(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) As Object

Dim spt(2) As Double
Dim ept(2) As Double
spt(0) = X1: spt(1) = Y1
ept(0) = X2: ept(1) = Y2

Set AddLineCO = AddLine(spt, ept)

End Function

Function AddPolyLine(vertices) As Object

Set AddPolyLine = mo.AddPolyLine(tranPoints(vertices))

End Function

Function Add3dPoly(vertices) '20210604 new

Set Add3dPoly = mo.Add3dPoly(tranPoints(vertices))

End Function

Function AddLWPolyLine(vertices) As Object

Set AddLWPolyLine = mo.AddLightWeightPolyline(tranPoints(vertices, 2))

End Function

Function AddArc(ByVal Center, Radius As Double, StartAngle As Double, EndAngle As Double)

Set AddArc = mo.AddArc(tranPoint(Center), Radius, StartAngle, EndAngle)

End Function

Function AddText(ByVal myText As String, ByVal txtpt, ByVal txtheight As Double, Optional alignmode As Byte = 1)

    Dim mtextObj As Object 'IntelliCAD.Text
    Dim insPt
    insPt = txtpt
    Set txtobj = mo.AddText(myText, tranPoint(insPt), txtheight)

    If CADVer = "ICAD" Then
        Select Case alignmode
        Case 1
            txtobj.HorizontalAlignment = 0  ' acAlignmentMiddleLeft
        Case 2
            txtobj.HorizontalAlignment = 4  ' acAlignmentMiddleCenter
        Case 3
            txtobj.HorizontalAlignment = 2 ' acAlignmentMiddleRight
        End Select
        Select Case alignmode
        Case 1
            txtobj.Alignment = 9 ' acAlignmentMiddleLeft
        Case 2
            txtobj.Alignment = 10 ' acAlignmentMiddleCenter
        Case 3
            txtobj.Alignment = 11 ' acAlignmentMiddleRight
        End Select
    End If
    txtobj.TextAlignmentPoint = tranPoint(insPt)

    Set AddText = txtobj

End Function



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